
Day of Dialog

Our Day of Dialog events are the most anticipated librarian-only gatherings of the year. Attendees get a close-up look at upcoming books and the latest trends in the library and publishing worlds. LJ‘s event includes hot author panels covering a range of topics including the top novelists for the fall/winter season, an inside scoop on the best books of the year during the favorite and informative Editors’ Picks panel, and a participatory town hall meeting session to discuss the pressing issues impacting libraries today.

Day of Dialog

Our Day of Dialog events are the most anticipated librarian-only gatherings of the year. SLJ attendees get a close-up look at upcoming books and the latest trends in the library and publishing worlds and spend the day discussing the latest trends and inside scoops on the hottest books in the world of children’s and young adult literature with the best authors, editors, and publishers in the industry.

Design Institute

This Bi-annual library building and design event brings the latest thinking in library design to different cities throughout the country. Librarians and architects engage in expert panel discussions on pressing topics while library furniture/equipment vendors showcase the latest product offerings for the library space. The day also includes hands-on time in small group architect-led breakout sessions dealing with real-life design challenges.

Directors Summit

The annual Library Journal Directors’ Summit is an intimate two-day think tank that brings 100+ library leaders and strategic minds from beyond libraries to engage in timely conversations on strategies libraries will be implementing to successfully navigate change now and into the future. Valuable networking time is balanced with robust programming that spans high level thinking to nitty-gritty application.

The Public Library Think Tank taps the expertise of innovative public librarians and library directors in an intimate but intensive exchange of expertise, leadership strategies, and best practices. Focused on the challenge of school-readiness, attendees work together to discovery ways to accelerate their libraries impact through information and technology literacy, bridging the tech gap, and database use.

SLJ Leadership Summit

School Library Journal’s annual Leadership Summit brings together a dynamic group of school librarians, education leaders, and tech innovators, as well as authors, publishers, and vendor stakeholders. This influential assembly convenes to tackle the most pressing challenges and the greatest opportunities facing schools and school libraries.

Hosted by Library Journal and School Library JournalThriving Together is a national gathering of thought leaders and innovators from across the country who will share where and how partnerships between school districts and public libraries are having success.
The event will explore the many benefits of forging, sustaining, and deepening partnerships across institutions, to address the literacy gap, spearhead summer learning, and provide equitable access to information for all children.

Horn Book at Simmons

The Horn Book at Simmons Colloquium occurs the day following the Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards ceremony and features the winners and honorees in talks, panel discussions, and small-group sessions that offer librarians, educators, children’s literature professionals, students, scholars, publishing types and writers a chance to examine critical issues relevant to children’s and young adult literature.